Stylpro Squeeze Make Up Sponge Cleaner

Stylpro Squeeze Make Up Sponge Cleaner

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THE MOST INNOVATIVE MAKEUP SPONGE CLEANING METHOD that deeply cleanses your make-up sponges within 1 minute, squeezing and rotating them to regain their original shine

THE MOST INNOVATIVE MAKEUP SPONGE CLEANING METHOD that deeply cleanses your make-up sponges within 1 minute, squeezing and rotating them to regain their original shine.

For the best result of cleaning make up sponges, use 'Sponge Sparkle' vegan liquid for and directly heated water to boiling temperature to clean your make up sponges and get rid of bacteria, make up residue and other dirt. The sponges are ready for reuse immediately after cleaning.

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The package includes:

  • The main press housing - the 'PRESS'
  • Electric pebble rotation attachment - the 'PEEBLE' and batteries
  • Cleaning container
  • 85ml 'Sponge Sparkle' vegan cleansing liquid

BENEFITS OF USING: Your make up sponges will last longer and you will save money instead of buying new make up sponges every now and then.

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The less make up sponges you buy, the less sponges are thrown away and sent to landfills. The make-up sponge cleaner works faster and more efficiently than most traditional cleaning methods. 'Sponge Sparkle' is a vegan sponge cleaning liquid that cleans long-lasting make-up bases from ordinary soap easier and faster.

The pressure housing squeezes your sponges 5 times harder than you can squeeze with your hand, so you no longer need to squeeze your dirty sponges with your hand.

The pressure housing reduces the use of water, energy and time you used to spend on classic make-up sponge cleaning.


  • Place a dirty make up sponge in a cleaning container. Pour 20 ml of 'Sponge Sparkle' vegan sponge cleaning liquid over your sponge.
  • For best results, massage the sponge into the cleaning solution with a pressure housing.
  • Carefully add boiling water to the marked level.
  • Press the PRESS button on the press housing, pull out the holder and lock it in the open position.
20211006 img 0046 3squeeze sparkle 250ml hr

Using the open pressure housing, press your sponge against the bottom of the bowl several times. For best results, wait 60 seconds. Remove your make-up sponge using the open housing, make sure the sponge is inside the housing, and carefully return the holder to the housing and press your make-up sponge to the closed position.

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Add an electrical rotation attachment, turn it on and rotate your make-up sponge to its original shine. Depending on the last time you cleaned your make-up sponge, you may need to repeat your procedure.

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